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8 - Complete solution of Ax = b, rank of matrix

Condition Solution Comment
r = n < m 0 or 1 No free variables. Hence, null space is empty
r = m < n Infinite Every row has pivot, n-r free variables
r = m = n Unique Invertible matrix
r < m && r < n 0 or Infinite depends on b

9 - Linear Independence, Span, Basis

10 - Four fundamental subspaces

For a matrix A

Column Space C(A) combination of columns of A Rr in Rm
Null Space N(A) all solution of Ax = 0 Rn-r in Rn
Row Space C(AT) combination of rows of A Rr in Rn
Left Null Space N(AT) all solution of ATy = 0 Rm-r in Rm

add image showing othogonality between spaces

add image of matrix R with elimination steps

3x3 matrices a vector space?

View Answer > _Yes_

What are its subspaces?

View Answer > _upper triangular, symmetrical, diagonal..._