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16 - Projections and Least square fitting of straight line

17 - Orthogonal basis, Orthogonal square matrix (Q), Gram-Schmidt (A –> Q)

18 - Determinants, Properties

  1. det(I) = 1
  2. row exchange reverses the sign of determinant
  3. [Diagram]
    1. Multiplier from row can be taken common and determinant will be multiplied by the same
    2. Determinant can be split with respect to one row
  4. 2 equal or dependent rows –> det = 0
  5. Subtract l x rowi from rowk –> determinant doesn’t change
  6. row of 0’s –> det = 0
  7. upper triangular –> det = product of diagonal entries
  8. det(A) = 0 ↔ A is singular OR det(A) ≠ 0 ↔ A is invertible
  9. det(AB) = det(A)*det(B)
  10. det(AT) = det(A)

**All above properties also holds for column

19 - Determinant Formula, Cofactors formula, Tridiagonal matrices

20 - Formula for A-1, Cramer’s rule, det(A) = Volume of box