21 - Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, det(A - λI) = 0, Trace = λ1 + λ2 + … + λn
x is an Eigen vector if **Ax x** - λ is an Eigen value if Ax = λx
- If A is singular, λ = 0 is an eigen value
- Set of eigen values - spectrum
- What are the eigen vectors and values for Projection matrix?
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> Eigen vectors - All vectors in projection plane, Eigen value - 1 > Eigen vectors - All vectors perpendicular to projection plane, Eigen value - 0- What are the eigen vectors and values for [[0 1] [1 0]]?
- Hint: Recall visualizing eigen vectors and values from 3b1b video (vectors which only scales up or down after transforming the space by matrix)
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> Seeing the matrix it seems the space has flipped around X and Y axis, hence lines at 45o will be at same orientation > Eigen vectors - [1 1], [1 -1], Eigen value - 1, -1- Sum(λ) = Trace, Product(λ) = Determinant
- Solving Ax = λx is same as solving (A - λI)x = 0
- (A - λI) is singular, since x != 0 :thinking:
Hence we solve A - λI = 0 - This is known as characteristic equation
- What are the eigen vectors and values for Rotation matrix R90o?
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> Rotation matrix is [[0 -1] [1 0]] > No eigen values or vectors- if Ax = λx, find eigen values for (A + 2I)
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> (A + 2I)x = Ax + 2Ix = λx + 2x = (λ + 2)x- if A and B have eigen values λ and α respectively, find eigen values for (A + B)
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> (λ + α) ? :grin: > No, since eigen vectors of A and B can be different22 - Diagonalizing a matrix (S-1AS = Λ), Powers of A, uk+1 = Auk
- Suppose there are n independent eigen vectors of A
- Let
be matrix formed with columns containing eigen vectors - AS = A[x1 x2 x3 … xn] = [λ1x1 λ2x2 …. λnxn] = [x1 x2 x3 …. xn]
([λ1 λ2 … λn]) - AS = SΛ
- A = SΛS-1 OR Λ = S-1AS
- Ak = SΛkS-1
- A is sure to have n independent eigen vectors and be diagonalizable if all λ’s are different
- Repeated eigen values may or may not result in n independent eigen vectors
- eg. Identity matrix
- Algebraic multiplicity - Number of times an eigen value is repeated
- Geometric multiplicity - Number of eigen vectors for a particular eigen value
- Fibonacci series - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…. F100 = ?
- Fk + 2 = Fk + 1 + Fk … We want to write this as uk+1 = Auk
- Fk + 1 = Fk + 1
- Trick: Let uk = [Fk + 1 Fk]
- Your work:-
- Find A, eigen value, vector
- Use following logic for finding F100
- u0 = c1x1 + c2x2 + … + cnxn = SC
- Aku0 = ΛkSC
23 - Differential equation (du/dt = Au), Exponent of matrix (eAt)
- du / dt = Au … u(t) = c1eλ1x1 + c2eλ2x2 + … + cneλnxn
- Stability, steady state or blow up based on λ
- Stability - λ < 0
- Steady state - one λ = 0 and other < 0
- Blow up - if any λ > 0
- TODO - Explain eAt
24 - Markov matrices, Steady state, Fourier series and Projections
- Steady state -
- λ = 0 if exponents
- λ = 1 if powers
- Markov matrix -
- All elements >= 0
- All columns add to 1
- Power of Markov matrix is another Markov matrix
- λ = 1 is an eigen value of Markov matrix and corresponding eigen vector has all its components > 0 => positive steady state
- All other eigen values are between (-1, 1)
- TODO: Explain example of Markov matrix by migration system model
- V = QC (v = q1c1 + q2c2 …) …. q = orthonormal basis
- C = Q-1V = QTV …. hence can find all coefficients
- TODO: Explain Fourier series
25 - Symmetric matrices (Eigen values and vectors) and Positive definite matrices
- Real symmetric matrices - Real eigen values and eigen vectors are orthogonal
- Positive definite symmetric matrix -
- All eigen values are positive
- All pivots are positive
- All sub-determinant positive