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21 - Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, det(A - λI) = 0, Trace = λ1 + λ2 + … + λn

View Answer > Eigen vectors - All vectors in projection plane, Eigen value - 1 > Eigen vectors - All vectors perpendicular to projection plane, Eigen value - 0
View Answer > Seeing the matrix it seems the space has flipped around X and Y axis, hence lines at 45o will be at same orientation > Eigen vectors - [1 1], [1 -1], Eigen value - 1, -1

View Answer > Rotation matrix is [[0 -1] [1 0]] > No eigen values or vectors
View Answer > (A + 2I)x = Ax + 2Ix = λx + 2x = (λ + 2)x
View Answer > (λ + α) ? :grin: > No, since eigen vectors of A and B can be different

22 - Diagonalizing a matrix (S-1AS = Λ), Powers of A, uk+1 = Auk

23 - Differential equation (du/dt = Au), Exponent of matrix (eAt)

24 - Markov matrices, Steady state, Fourier series and Projections

25 - Symmetric matrices (Eigen values and vectors) and Positive definite matrices